2023-09-10 在聖地雅歌台灣基督教會獻詩【1.On Eagle’s Wings 2.祂賜平安】 願上帝賜下平安!
2019年我們很榮幸請到了關愛馨姐妹(Josephine Kwan) 擔任聖樂團的指揮, 關愛馨畢業於北德州大學,主修鋼琴。並於香港浸會大學取得音樂碩士學位。她有多年合唱指揮經驗。除此之外,她亦是吹奏雙簧管的樂手,經常在管樂團和管弦樂團中參與演出。
聖樂團未來的展望,是求神繼續使用聖樂團成為榮神益人,傳揚神愛世人的福音真理的管道,歡迎基督徒及喜歡聖樂的弟兄姊妹和朋友加入我們,您的代禱、參與、或奉獻都是神所悅納的,讓我們攜手努力,使神的國度能夠擴展。若您想參加我們的行列,請與陳天德弟兄聯絡。假如您想用金錢支持我們,支票抬頭請寫 “SDCC, Inc." . 支票請寄到 1265 Holmgrove Dr. San Marcos, CA 92078。
2008 韓德爾神劇 【彌賽亞】組曲 林望傑博士指揮
2009 蕭泰然 【耶穌基督組曲】 林望傑博士指揮
2010 巴哈【有一嬰孩為我們而生】馬格順【受膏者】 林雲郎弟兄指揮
2010 傳揚音樂事工佈道會 王君佩博士指揮
2011 何仲柯醫生佈道會 林路得姐妹指揮
2012 蕭泰然 【浪子組曲】 楊绍樺博士指揮
2013 【無比的愛】音樂會 林路得姐妹指揮 舒映輝樂團指揮
2014 鄭英傑【愛的樂章】發表會 鄭英傑指揮
2014 韓德爾神劇【以色列人在埃及】 林雲郎弟兄指揮
2016 孟德爾松神劇【以利亞】 賴淑貞姐妹指揮
2017 聖誕音樂讚美 周信慧姐妹指揮
2018 十週年感恩音樂會 鄭英傑 陳天德指揮
2009 蕭泰然 【耶穌基督組曲】 林望傑博士指揮
2010 巴哈【有一嬰孩為我們而生】馬格順【受膏者】 林雲郎弟兄指揮
2010 傳揚音樂事工佈道會 王君佩博士指揮
2011 何仲柯醫生佈道會 林路得姐妹指揮
2012 蕭泰然 【浪子組曲】 楊绍樺博士指揮
2013 【無比的愛】音樂會 林路得姐妹指揮 舒映輝樂團指揮
2014 鄭英傑【愛的樂章】發表會 鄭英傑指揮
2014 韓德爾神劇【以色列人在埃及】 林雲郎弟兄指揮
2016 孟德爾松神劇【以利亞】 賴淑貞姐妹指揮
2017 聖誕音樂讚美 周信慧姐妹指揮
2018 十週年感恩音樂會 鄭英傑 陳天德指揮
The San Diego Chinese Christian Chorale (SDCC) was first established in May, 2008. It is consisting of music advocates with Chinese Christian background. The choir’s mission is to outreach the audience with wonderful message of God’s love and grace. The establishment of SDCC was based solely on faith. God has promised to provide when we believe in HIM and His provision has continuously guided the SDCC. First president is Mr. Paul Yang. Current president is Dr. Tienteh Chen since 2011.
We are honored to have Ms. Josephine Kwan as our new conductor. Ms. Kwan graduated from North Texas University with B Mus (Piano) and got her master degree in Music from Hong Kong Baptist University. She has many years of teaching student and amateur choirs. And she is actively playing in bands and orchestras as an oboist.
The SDCC currently has 45 chorale members. The annual concert usually was performed during Christmas season. Guest conductors in the past included Dr. Jahja Lin, the world renown music director of the San Diego Symphony Orchestra, Mr. Samuel Lin, the director of the Los Angeles Chinese Chorus and Chinese Christian Chorus, famous choir conductor and soprano Ms. Jun-Pei Wang and Mrs. Susan Lai, and music professor of University of San Diego, Dr. Angela Yeung.
Past performances include works from famous church chorus musics, such as Handel’s “Messiah”, Handel's " Israel in Egypt ", Haydn’s “Creation”, Mendelsson’s “Eliaja”, Tyren Hsiao's “Jesus Christ” and "The Prodigal Son" cantata, and “The Annointed” cantata by Mr. Ge-Shun Ma, etc.
SDCC welcomes you, and hopes that you would consider joining us, the wonderful ministry of God’s love through music and voice, in the near future. SDCC will continue to deliver the goodness and peace to all through the wonderful channel of singing. If you like to support SDCC with cash or check, please make check title to“SDCC, Inc."” ,and send check to 1265 Holmgrove Dr. San Marcos, CA 92078 (Att Mr. Nick Tsai) 。
We are honored to have Ms. Josephine Kwan as our new conductor. Ms. Kwan graduated from North Texas University with B Mus (Piano) and got her master degree in Music from Hong Kong Baptist University. She has many years of teaching student and amateur choirs. And she is actively playing in bands and orchestras as an oboist.
The SDCC currently has 45 chorale members. The annual concert usually was performed during Christmas season. Guest conductors in the past included Dr. Jahja Lin, the world renown music director of the San Diego Symphony Orchestra, Mr. Samuel Lin, the director of the Los Angeles Chinese Chorus and Chinese Christian Chorus, famous choir conductor and soprano Ms. Jun-Pei Wang and Mrs. Susan Lai, and music professor of University of San Diego, Dr. Angela Yeung.
Past performances include works from famous church chorus musics, such as Handel’s “Messiah”, Handel's " Israel in Egypt ", Haydn’s “Creation”, Mendelsson’s “Eliaja”, Tyren Hsiao's “Jesus Christ” and "The Prodigal Son" cantata, and “The Annointed” cantata by Mr. Ge-Shun Ma, etc.
SDCC welcomes you, and hopes that you would consider joining us, the wonderful ministry of God’s love through music and voice, in the near future. SDCC will continue to deliver the goodness and peace to all through the wonderful channel of singing. If you like to support SDCC with cash or check, please make check title to“SDCC, Inc."” ,and send check to 1265 Holmgrove Dr. San Marcos, CA 92078 (Att Mr. Nick Tsai) 。

